Jim Bruskewitz MS founded Endurance Performance Ltd. in 1992 to provide physiological testing and specific training programs for endurance athletes. Jim received his Masters Degree from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He retired after 15 years as a Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin - Madison in the Kinesiology Department. He also developed and coached Water Running and Master’s Swimming programs for the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Sports Medicine facility.


ATHLETIC Accomplishments:

• 2 time World Triathlon Age-Group Champion

• 10 time Triathlon National Age Group Champion

• Second Place Age Group Ironman World Championships-Kona

• 2 time Duathlon National Age Group Champion

• Ironman Wisconsin, Wildflower Triathlon, and Muncie Endurathon Age Group Course Records set



Endurance Performance Ltd. - Founder & President // September 1992 – Present (25 years)

DJO Global/Compex - Manager Education Compex-NMES // 2013 – 2016 (3 years)

Hammer Nutrition - Consultant + Contributing Author // 2008 – March 2013 (5 years)

University of Wisconsin-Madison - Lecturer //January 1994 – December 2009 (16 years)



P: 608.469.3313